Video Village

San Diego Film Equipment is your one stop shop to rent video village monitors and directors monitors. Our number one monitor rental is the versatile and portable Small HD 1703 P3X. It is a bright, full HD, wide color gamut display. It is a capable P3 reference grade monitor that will hold up under even  the most challenging productions. It comes with 2x SDI and HDMI Inputs and Outputs. Cross conversion between the 2 types of ports is also possible.

VIdeo Village Monitors

It carries all the powerful Small HD software tools built in, such as Focus Assist, Exposure Tools, Waveforms and Histograms. You can also go dual side by side picture with the multiple video inputs! Great if you have a multi camera setup and only have room or budget  for one monitor. 
In addition to the newer Small HD monitors, we also carry the older but battle tested 17” Panasonbic Directors monitors as well as the 26” Panasonic Directors monitors. These monitors are SDI in and out only.