Grip Stands
American Grip is the #1 preferred stand of choice in the motion picture industry today. The 40” American Grip C-Stand with head and arm is the industry standard c-stand of choice. All of San Diego Film Equipment’s C-Stands are from American Grip and all our grip packages come with American Grip C-stands standard.
All American grip stands and rigging products are made and assembled in Burbank, CA.The attention to detail and craftsmanship in every stand is a testament to their durability and longevity. In addition to American Grip C-stands, we also carry American Grip Combo Stands, Baby Stands, Hi Roller Stands, and Mombo Combo Stands.
The American Grip C-stand is a versatile tool and is the corner stone of any grip package your looking to rent. Always remember that when using any c-stand, you must have a sand bag to prevent the stand falling over. C-Stands are a professional tool, and if used incorrectly can cause serious damage or harm.